Foster Process & Policies
Thank you for your interest in fostering a pet for Sadie's Safe House.
Before beginning the process, here are some important things to know:
You may be apart of the process as much or as little as you want. Some foster's like to meet the adoptive families and facilitate the meet & greet, some do not.
We do not adopt on a first-come, first-serves basis. We do our best to adopt to the home that we feel fits the pet best based on the information you provide to us.
You may adopt your foster dog. We ask that you let us know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Please do not wait to tell us until we've made plans with another family.

What's Provided
SSH provides the following resources to help you on your foster journey:
food & treats,
bed &/or blanket,
toys (as necessary)
covered veterinary expenses at our approved practices,
other supplies as needed.
We usually order these items for you online and have them shipped to your house. If there is a delay in items arriving, particularly food, a collar and a leash, you may get permission to buy these items yourself and submit a receipt for reimbursement via PayPal or Venmo.
When it's time for your foster to go to their fur-ever home, all of their items go with them to help ease the transition.
Foster Home Requirements
Before you apply to foster for SSH, please make sure you meet the following requirements:
all dogs and/or cats already in the home are spayed/neutered,
all dogs and/or cats already in the home are up-to-date on vaccinations,
have a vehicle and can travel to veterinary appointments,
are able to administer medications as necessary,
you have the time and ability to care for the dog like you would your very own pet,
ability to report behaviors, good and bad, in a timely manner to aid in the adoption process.
fully fenced yard or area to safely walk and exercise the dog (NO DOG PARKS),
ability to send photos for social media updates and adoption profiles.